Friday, January 28, 2011

What It Gold Metal Cored?

began in February, Part II January

Well after a few days of wandering by heat, let them
purse other models to each choose the one you like.
I think these are the basic models and then the variant
decoration are creating new models.
It is noted that I made a looong time ago,
but I have love for being the first.

practice I found interesting technique
lattice or grid with the scoring board

was really easy and fast

is not so much

of tiny and so simple at first do not remove
but like everything you learn from mistakes.

and this is a template of Hermes handbags
another model and closed

For girls who want to download templates hermes bag,
I leave the link

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What Does Club Feet Mean?

starting the year .....
willing to challenge full "?
good this month I wanted to make a special enthusiasm and excitement
and since there are several models according to each personality.
the theme for this event are the portfolios,
So as you proceed through the days I will expand this entry.
These are the first from the oven