Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Shittin Alot Is That An Sighn Of Pregnancy

The challenges of the first 100 days of President Obama

After taking possession of the historic Barack Obama as president of the United States, most Americans and much of the world, remains hopeful that under your leadership can be achieved rebuild the U.S. economy and above all be able to recover the country's image internationally .

President Obama takes the presidency with several elements against and some in his favor, perhaps the most problematic is the internal, where you have to fight against an economy depressed and with great demands on public spending, especially for promises made during his election campaign.

The following link New York Times, shows what the priorities in terms of importance of the American citizen. If the page is sorted by their popularity, are formed, we believe the key to face for the Obama administration in its first 100 days in office.

1. Health Plan: This is perhaps the greatest challenge, the Obama plan provides that it may provide coverage to about 40 MM of citizens today have no access to the system. This in economic terms is a strong pressure on public spending in a time when the U.S. economy is slowing and strong credit restrictions.

2. Environment: A final issue vital, but largely untapped, the failure to ratify the Kyoto agreement by the former President Bush, uncheck the United States from the struggle to preserve the environment, especially after the strong campaign that Al Gore has maintained in recent years. dramas experienced by the American people as was Hurricane Katrina, are clear examples of the relevance of this issue in the daily life of citizens.

3. Economy: This point has been focused, especially after the housing market decline early last year and the subsequent impact on the financial system. The lack of regulation and control over the market, the decline in real income and jobs, the weakening of the dollar as reference currency and the fall in earnings of major companies, are elements that will force Obama to take strong measures to revive economic adjustments that allow the economy.

In this sense, the current president, has some advantages because the decline in commodity prices can help offset the impact on production costs of enterprises, as well as transportation costs, in addition, provided that the emerging economies remain controlled their low production costs and the existence of unexploited markets can provide relief to U.S. companies that seek to take greater advantage to those markets.

4. Education: This factor has been having a major impact in recent years with the decline of academic standards in primary and intermediate levels, compared with other countries, especially Europe and Asia. While in the field of higher education continues to set the American school schedule, the collective perception is that the system is broken and the quality and equal education for all has not paid off, which in less developed countries seem be working much better.

5. The End of War: This issue has two major edges, the first domestically, political analysts say the relationship between the presidency and the military high command had been deteriorating much recent years with the Bush administration, Obama has the challenge of recovering that relationship especially orchestrating defense strategies that are much more consistent and less expensive for taxpayers, and above all to be clearly seen by the high command.

The second edge lies in the international arena, where the U.S. image has deteriorated after the failure in Iraq and bad diplomatic decisions made in the past, America needs a state policy that closer allies and allowed to gain respect among their enemies. In this sense, it can be very important to the vision of Latin America and their relationship in the Middle East geopolitics.

Easy?, Not the picture does not look easy for President Obama and very possibly not all the factors listed above can be solved in the first 100 days in office, what is important, is that you neglect to assist you as much success as a candidate, others relied on to resolve these issues so important to the domestic economy and thus to the global.

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