Monday, February 15, 2010

Driving License Renewal Grace Period


This discussion is not new, many years ago that economists and political scientists have conflicting views on the subject property in fact there are extensive studies that link the existence of private property for economic development and other much (though much less), trying to prove otherwise.

However, in countries where private property is enshrined, the expectation of development greater economic and people tend to work harder when you own the land when it is not.

Of course property ownership have their flaws, the large estates, monopoly, etc. are evils arising from the accumulation of land and that only through an assertive control (not shown), can strike a balance.

The problem is that private property is a danger, because the man works harder and is able to defend their property up to life, as I told a friend expert in these things , a person can lose life when someone tries to steal a cell phone itself not the phone itself, but because it is at stake, "the property" which is a basic instinct. Obviously, this is a very simplified approach but you can understand it perfectly.

positive Is expropriation of private property? for military purposes, yes. Absolutely. For economic purposes, at all. In World War II the Nazis expropriated all the countries they occupied, as the Romans did at the time, but it is the only way to maintain control.

Economically justifiable only in emergency situations, as in the case of the financial crisis last year, where the American state has become "shareholders", not the owner of some banks to avoid a greater evil.

Cativen 's grace, by reference to the Casino Group Financial Statements, will cost the country a U.S. $ 806 MM. The question one asks is whether the markets are as good government why the St. Hedwig Excelsior range passes are full every night?.

So what is worth the investment of money? For military purposes, yes. For economic purposes, definitely NO.

Until next delivery!

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Is Eczema A Military Disqualification

Who Does Promotes Financial Sector Crisis? A CRISIS OF VALUES

financial system is caught between two big problems, the first is the strong uncertainty in the system under the multiple interventions market-rightly or not, create a climate of distrust in the market. That has led some national and international analysts to recommend caution against Venezuelan titles, in view of the widespread crisis that keeps the system.

Additionally, we observe the degree of confidence in domestic investment and the talent and capital flight that has occurred in recent years.

The second major problem is the lack definition then the strategy of monetary and exchange policy. Take for example the recent allocation of zero-coupon bond auction by the Central Bank, where several brokerage houses were left out, without explanation, not an arbitrary logic.

The result has been waiting for the price of the dollar on the parallel market soared the highest price since mid-January.


government benefits "situation? Not at all, which creates greater mistrust. President calls for employers to meet with him to build confidence, but overnight the expropriated companies, businesses, land and everything that looks like private enterprise. "Trust? Not under these conditions.

Similarly Does it benefit employers? either. Under this scheme, it is difficult to plan ahead, invest, set prices that are reasonable for consumers and allowance for the risk taken by companies.

Is case benefited the financial sector? It is obvious that this sector has had great opportunities to generate resources and has taken, nor is it a benefit. The taboo that gives it the stock market comes from ignorance, in countries like Peru, the rapid growth of the economy came from the savings generated by the tools offered by the financial sector. Thus the empirical evidence shows that in countries where the financial system is developed there is economic growth; just enough to give a look to the development of Brazil and Chile to become aware of this overwhelming reality.

is the people! I regret to say no and if they think so, just simply watch the inflation and shortages that these measures have produced the staples, which are not only food but clothing, footwear, education, entertainment and housing among other .

Moreover, if limited to the financial system, the ability to protect the savings and generate the wealth necessary to ensure a decent retirement, fade more and more as you today, has at least the alternative market to convert their hard currency bolivar and protect the brunt of the loss of value of local currency, but only by limiting the banking system, which brings as a result, are only savings accounts whose performance is years below inflation.

What is the strategy? In my opinion it is a cake of things and precepts antiquated intended to limit the capacity to generate wealth by considering negative. A set of trial and error that is made to see if you can maintain a stabilized economy that has long undermined its foundations.

But this is not important for ordinary people to him what matters is how I carry food to the house today, but you consider this: The Venezuelan economy is like the late La Guaira viaduct and you to put food on the house has to cross every day, by the way that we will one day collapse that bridge and you will stay in one of the two ends or unable to go out and get food, or unable to take her home.

Until next delivery!

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Monday, February 1, 2010

Female Doctor Checking For Testicular Cancer

En una conversación of those family weekend, we discussed about the role that should have State in running the country and all in one way or another, seemed to agree with the idea of \u200b\u200ba regulatory state, which exercises no control repression called factors of production and to provide the necessary regulatory floor, for there trust in institutions.

This concept remains an open question as whether the state should be responsible for health, education, advocacy and the administration of justice, then does it make sense a state employer? The answers may be multiple and there are cases for and against. Personally, I think the state should not be a direct actor in the business, except in exceptional cases.

Towards the end of the discussion, we came upon this idea: what if the state fails as a regulator, is responsible for the country's problems?. Take for example the recent financial crisis, is it the fault of the State that the directors of financial institutions have brought these companies into bankruptcy because of their lack of ethics?

In theory, the state is a regulator of the activity, not the human condition so that we could not blame him for the lack of ethics employers, but we can not deny that if there is a responsibility, when that allows operations to be undertaken and actions taken that violate the depositors, investors, consumers, etc. The market is not self-regulating, that is like asking the players on a football team not get a trip to a player who escapes with the ball. What do vain unless there is a referee running to the side to see the play. Problmea is a human condition of its values.

is why the State can not be blamed for everything, nor the private sector, it seems then that the cause lies not in the scope of regulation, but of values, principles, ethics, morality.

All this may seem absurd and useless, but basically explains very well what is happening, we are not facing an economic crisis or political, we face a crisis of values \u200b\u200band Venezuela is no exception, there is a lack of democratic values, civil, social, personal ... and this gap we have to fight today informing, educating, working properly and showing that there are strong and important values \u200b\u200bthat a populist, a business opportunity that a political office or an endowment presidential.

Until next delivery.

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