En una conversación of those family weekend, we discussed about the role that should have State in running the country and all in one way or another, seemed to agree with the idea of \u200b\u200ba regulatory state, which exercises no control repression called factors of production and to provide the necessary regulatory floor, for there trust in institutions.
This concept remains an open question as whether the state should be responsible for health, education, advocacy and the administration of justice, then does it make sense a state employer? The answers may be multiple and there are cases for and against. Personally, I think the state should not be a direct actor in the business, except in exceptional cases.
Towards the end of the discussion, we came upon this idea: what if the state fails as a regulator, is responsible for the country's problems?. Take for example the recent financial crisis, is it the fault of the State that the directors of financial institutions have brought these companies into bankruptcy because of their lack of ethics?
In theory, the state is a regulator of the activity, not the human condition so that we could not blame him for the lack of ethics employers, but we can not deny that if there is a responsibility, when that allows operations to be undertaken and actions taken that violate the depositors, investors, consumers, etc. The market is not self-regulating, that is like asking the players on a football team not get a trip to a player who escapes with the ball. What do vain unless there is a referee running to the side to see the play. Problmea is a human condition of its values.
is why the State can not be blamed for everything, nor the private sector, it seems then that the cause lies not in the scope of regulation, but of values, principles, ethics, morality.
All this may seem absurd and useless, but basically explains very well what is happening, we are not facing an economic crisis or political, we face a crisis of values \u200b\u200band Venezuela is no exception, there is a lack of democratic values, civil, social, personal ... and this gap we have to fight today informing, educating, working properly and showing that there are strong and important values \u200b\u200bthat a populist, a business opportunity that a political office or an endowment presidential.
Until next delivery.
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