Friday, April 1, 2011

How Do Blood Tests Show Infection

Minos by Daedalus

Minos, brave and believed
the Asterio wanted to inherit the throne of proving such a thing
the gods
told that a bull would sacrifice ..
A bull sea
out and such was her beauty that Minos
hesitate to kill him.
brave and believed Son of Zeus and Europa, brother
Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon, was
fall in love with the daughter of Helios and Crete,
the most beautiful woman in the world,
Pasiphae, which especially outstanding.
This at Like Europe,
was attracted to an animal;
a bull with which he had a son's revenge
Poteidan to Minos.

Minos, brave and believed,
to learn such a thing,
locked in the heart of the palace
the poor minotaur.
Ariadne, Phaedra, Glaucus and Androgeus,
four children lost in their dreams,
sons of Minos and Pasiphae,
were witnesses of what was happening around him.

Minos, brave and believed
spoke with his father every nine years
for advice.

Minos, an animal, a warrior, a natural leader
was king and his punishment was
hidden and impossible to find.
was punished as
and more.

Valiente and believed that man, whose daughter
sacrificed, blood everywhere,
hatred and malice.
His favorite son,
like a lion in the fight,
loved him so much, as he
their armies,
was killed in a battle that Aegeus

believed that defeat Minos Androgeus
fall dead on his bed,
devastated and alone.
But Minos reacted to the contrary,
blood flowing through his veins
turned into poison,
a stone heart and mind
hell, but remained
and happy life .

courageous man and believed that a ring had
the stamp of history, legend and
knew that such a ring
launched with a grudge against the sea, was proof
the courage to Theseus.
Proof of death.
But Theseus decided to jump
sea and found it smooth.
in honor of his son, had bled
Athenian captives to death would,
pierced by spears and arrows Cretans.
cruel and bitter man who defeated
wanted to be brave and believe
fell on the Dead Sea.


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