Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Can You Buy Honeyrose At Walgreens


Editions Marimon, in the decade of the 20's. At the end of Alfonso el Sabio still do not see the Fuente de Levante, which opened at the former Plaza of Independence in 1931. Is an unpublished photo of the frame for the original and undiscovered corners of the city that have not materialized frequently.

L. photo Roisin in the decade of the 20's. Already dismantled the central platform of the Rambla. On the right you can still see the Capuchin Convent of the Mothers, whose sun rose on the Bank of Spain

Street San Vicente since its start in Alfonso el Sabio. We see the tram tracks, the Plaza de Toros at the end and eucalyptus trees instead of palms. Formerly known as "Street Trees." Marimon Postal

Calderon Street tram traveling along a well paved road, with trees in its wide sidewalks and people coming and going Vegetable Market. The building in which we see the poster would house years after the famous Julius Madrid. "

(Photo from the book "Alicante. Glances and Memories". Ed. Tivoli)


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